If you get an eyeshadow quad or palette, it will most likely have basic tutorials right on the packaging. I find that pictures make more sense than my babbling, so here is a picture to reference to when doing basic eyeshadow makeup. (Every eye shape is different, so you may have to alter the pattern a little bit to look best for you. Applying makeup does include trial and error, so don't give up!)
Basic image of an eye and application spots
How to put eyeshadow on
Basic Eyeshadow in a DIU nutshell
Your quad will have four colors, yes? The lightest shade goes in the area beneath the eyebrow. The medium color (choose either one of the two, if you have two medium colors) goes where the crease of your eye is, and the darkest shade is swept across the lid of your eyes.
Now, this is just a look to go out and enjoy. There are SOOOO many ways to apply eyeshadows. Experiment and find out what works best for you! You can look up eyeshadow designs on google images or look up how to do "anime eyes" on Youtube! I'll post some links down below for some ideas. Do it up!!
diu (as rinrin0rikuriku)
Pokemon Eyeshadow
Promise -
Anime Girl Makeup Tutorial
Michelle Phan -
Sailor Moon Makeup (good for basic big eyes tutorial)
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